“After all, trust is greater than love, and to truly trust another human-being is rare. Love can exist without trust, but trust cannot exist without love.”
“Trusting is dangerous, but without trust there is no hope of love, and love is all we ever have to hold against the dark.”
“Afterall, trust is greater than love, and to truly trust another humanbeing is rare. Love can exist without trust, but trust cannot exist without love. Antonio; Hidden Mountain”
“I feel, holding books, accommodating their weight and breathing their dust, an abiding love. I trust them, in a way that I can't trust my computer, though I couldn't do without it. Books are matter. My books matter. What would I have done through these years without the library and all its lovely books?”
“Trust and respect are more important than love in a relationship because no love will last without equal amounts of respect and trust.”