“Patricia: Do you know William Faulkner?Michel: No. Who's he? Have you slept with him?”
“Do you think that Hemingway knew he was a writer at twenty years old? No, he did not. Or Fitzgerald, or Wolfe. This is a difficult concept to grasp. Hemingway didn't know he was Ernest Hemingway when he was a young man. Faulkner didn't know he was William Faulkner. But they had to take the first step. They had to call themselves writers. That is the first revolutionary act a writer has to make. It takes courage. But it's necessary”
“The past is never dead. It’s not even past.—William Faulkner”
“Honestly, William, time?' his mother had snapped. 'Distance? Those things have nothing whatsoever to do with love. Who knows that better than you?”
“You have to find yourself. When you meet him again, you have to know who you are. He's finding out who he is.”
“Do you know what I did to the last guy that called me Tinkerbelle?""Slept with him?"Darryl was silent for a second. "After that.”