“I fell in love once, if love be that cruelty which takes us straight to the gates of Paradise only to remind us they are closed for ever.”
“The love of wilderness is more than a hunger for what is always beyond reach; it is also an expression of loyalty to the earth, the earth which bore us and sustains us, the only paradise we shall ever know, the only paradise we ever need, if only we had the eyes to see.”
“When angels speak of love they tell us it is only by loving that we enter an earthly paradise. They tell us paradise is our home and love our true destiny.”
“Why is there ever this perverse cruelty in humankind, that makes us hurt most those we love best?”
“I can tell you I love you as many times as you can stand to hear it, but all it does is remind us that love is not enough. Not even close.”
“Love can consign us to hell or to paradise, but it always tales us somewhere.”