“The important things. Where should I find them? In the detail, like God? In the risk, like the Devil?”
“You seem to take things so personally, hating people and worshipping them--always thinking people are so important--especially yourselves. You just ask to be kicked around. I like people and I like them to like me, but I wear my heart where God put it--on the inside.”
“...things can happen when you least expect them so you always gotta be prepared. And pay attention to the details. The devil is in the details.”
“God is present in the sweeping gesture, but the devil is in the details.”
“I like people and I like them to like me, but I wear my heart where God put it, on the inside. ”
“Everyone gets to the stage, or should get to it, where it's more important to stop doing things than to keep on trying to do them.”