“Please, comrade! I just want to chop him up for the stew!''And that's another thing! I'm tired of stew! I want to put him in a crust and bake a light fluffy quiche!''QUICHE?! What kind of food is THAT for a monster to eat?!”

Jeff Smith

Jeff Smith - “Please, comrade! I just want to chop him...” 1

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“Our bellies are empty and our patience is short...submit to us and we will make of you a great quiche!''Again with the QUICHE?! What kind of self-respecting monster would eat a DAINTY PASTRY DISH?! STEW is what we will make of their bones!''Don't get greedy on me! There's three of them! I just want the little one for my quiche!''It was nothing to do with greed! It's a matter of principle! MONSTERS DO NOT EAT QUICHE!”

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“If we keep him for ourselves, we can do anything we want with him!''OH, REALLY?! Does that include baking him in a quiche?!''NO, IT DOES NOT INCLUDE THAT! IT INCLUDES EATING HIM RAW!''That's too bad. He would've made a fine pastry filling.”

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“Here you go, fellas. Piping hot...right out of the oven!''Is--Is that what I think it is?''It's your favourite! Custard pie with cheese and bacon!''QUICHE!''No, comrade!! Be strong! Monsters don't eat flakey bakery products! Get a hold of yourself!''But comrade, I'm STARVING! Our army has no food! We haven't eaten since the ghost circles appeared!''Oh well! We certainly have a lot of food Here, don't we, Teach? A Lot of Food...''Oh yes, A lot of food!''OK! I GIVE UP! YES! YES!! GIVE US THE QUICHE!! WE'RE STARVING--”

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