“They sailed through the intersection...and only barely missed getting creamed by the cross-traffic.Nate was smiling. "Did you see that?""Yes, Nathaniel." Kenzie had a white-knuckle grip on the door. "You have a bright future ahead of you as a wheelman for the mob. We're all so proud. Now focus on the road, please.”
“And did you have to hack his arms off?” “Yes, I did. He wouldn’t go through the door.” “You say it like you’re proud of it."I was proud of it. It was an example of quick thinking in a difficult situation.”
“So now, all alone or not, you gotta walk ahead. Thing to remember is if we're all alone, then we're all together in that too.”
“When you choose to focus on today and all the possibilities that lie ahead you automatically release your grip on yesterday. Layers of the past gradually fall away and you are soon set free”
“if you focus on what you have left behind, you will never be able to see what lies ahead”
“People love to see you get ahead — so long as you don't get farther ahead than they are.”