“Tiffany, this is Officer After, who arrested you. Officer After, this is Tiffany Hart, who doesn't remember you.”
“Anyone who ever gave you confidence, you owe them a lot". ~Truman Capote, Breakfast at Tiffany's, 1958, spoken by the character Holly Golightly”
“Yeah, you go after her, and I suggest you invest in a steel plated jockstrap. Last guy who said something sexual to her and pissed her off is still limping around the office. (Carlos)”
“Corrijo meu humor vendo breakfast at Tiffany's.”
“Anyone who campaigns for public office becomes disqualified for holding any office at all.”
“Sign by elevator put up by computer geeks in office building: REMEMBER: FIRST YOU PILAGE, THEN YOU BURN. THOSE WHO DO NOT COMPLY WILL BE SUSPENDED FROM THE RAIDING TEAM. In Mr Perfect”