“My palms itched to have a close encounter of the bitch-slap kind with his face.”
“You kind of lose the right to bitch someone out when you’re no longer slapping groins.”
“Stop!" I sent my open hand sailing and slapped Talbot across his face. He let go of the spear and stared down at me-that rage burning in his eyes. Then he blinked and clutched his palm over the red hand-shaped mark I'd left on his face. "What was that for!" "He submitted.Let.Him.Go.”
“And if he left me of his own free will, then he should get ready for the bitch-slapping of his life.”
“I'd bitch slap the devil for you.”
“Butch tightened his grip on his cell and wished there were an app that let you reach through a phone and bitch slap someone.”