“This isn't a book. This isn't a paranormal fantasy or whatever the hell it is you read. There is no set plot or clear idea of where any of this is going. The enemies aren't obvious. There are no guaranteed happy endings.”
“Life isn't a book. There's no guarantee of a happy ending.”
“A happy ending isn't really the end. It's just the place where you choose to stop telling the story.”
“if a book isn't self-explanatory, then it isn't worth reading.”
“I think you can read a dozen different books and not learn a single thing about writing. Good writers don't read, they study books. They pick the plots apart and the sentences apart. And part of studying is copying. Reading is great and every writer should read, but reading alone isn't enough to learn what you need to learn...”
“It's obvious Plott doesn't have any idea where he's going.”