“I laid my head on his neck, and the two of us-girl and wolf-fell asleep, into a dream within a dream.”
“I had the most beautiful dream, and then I fell asleep in your arms and my dream turned lovelier still.”
“I fell asleep and dreamed that life was only Happiness.I woke and discovered that life was Duty.I did my Duty and discovered that life was Happiness.”
“I fell asleep to the scent of my wolf. Pine needles, cold rain, earthy perfume, coarse bristles on my face.”
“I fell asleep reading a dull book, and I dreamed that I was reading on, so I awoke from sheer boredom. ”
“I fell asleep, slipping into the kind of dreams that aren’t dreams at all -- just memories with all the details you never thought you’d remember and couldn’t believe you’d forgotten.”