“Why is the forecast so bland? Why instead of 'stormy' don't they just say the sea's 'a frothing maelstrom of terror and hopelessness'?”
“Why not rise from the grave and terrorize a little instead of staying buried and dead in the cemetery?”
“I don't see why you two can't get along.""It is a personality issue," Rathenridge muttered.Dentin looked at him. No emotion, no reaction, simply bland observation. "Yours?”
“It was her personal view that people who are overly choosy about the drinks they order in a bar tend to be sexually bland. She had no idea why this should be so.”
“Why do you give me good advice?"asked Laurent.Isn't that why you brought me withyou? Instead of speaking those wordsaloud, Damen said, "Why don't you takeany of it?”
“Instead of asking why, ask why not?”