“ Thanks for giving me a place to sleep last night, and for the extra blanket.Vi.-Violet's note to Lincoln”
“Thanks, Pepe. You've put an extra night into my life. I would have spent it just sleeping like an ox, but I've lived it instead. I'm grateful.”
“Last night I fell asleep quickly, into a place beyond sleep, deep and silent, the place I imagine caterpillars go to turn into butterflies.”
“The first night in a new place usually gives me a tinny, homesick feeling that makes it hard to sleep. Not homesick for anywhere in particular. Just a general feeling of uprootedness. Loneliness. Even if people I love are sleeping nearby.”
“Thank you for a lullaby last night. Thank you for the boy who sang it.”
“It's not easy to writing thank-you notes for the stuff you didn't want in the first place.”