“Your ideas suck""So does my mouth. Why don't you get your dick over here and I'll demonstrate.”
“Sitting on my stool I thought of a bumper sticker: "If Mean People Suck, Why Isn't My Dick In Your Mouth?”
“Criminal: You can suck my dick, motherfucker!Detective Bridges: You suck mine! [shoves barrel of pistol in the Criminal's mouth] An' you get used to it, cause you get to Rykers you're gonna find a lot of dick on the goddamn menu! Now grunt twice for yes! You through bitchin'?”
“THINGS YOU NEVER HEAR: 'Please stop sucking my dick or I'll call the police.”
“(about terrible vision) Eyes don't suck, they cry. If you really must know, your mouth sucks, especially once you get a straw. Feel the sucky power!”
“It means I know you, Adrien with an e, and I know you get reckless when you're impatient. You're paying for this investigation, and I'll keep you apprised every step of the way, but if you even think about going rogue on this one, I'm turning in my fedora and you can hire some other dick."I don't want any other dick. I closed my mouth on that one—metaphorically speaking—and said, “I don't know why the hell everyone seems to think I'm so reckless—”