“On savings: A dollar here, a dollar there. Over time, it adds up to two dollars. ”
“Do you know how much a hundred dollars is?' he asked. I said that I did not and he answered, 'It is a hundred dollars.”
“If you find yourself in the unfortunate position of being black-friendless, you can either go to the nearest black church and strike up a conversation, or just fire up Facebook, search for “black people,” and start clicking “Add Friend” on the names in the resulting lists. Technology is amazing and quite a time-saver.”
“She does this. Told me JP was cheating on me, trashed my Facebook page-''Why?''Because she's like that.''I thought you two were friends.''We are.''So how, exactly, do you define the term, "friend"?”
“Everyone looks happy on Facebook.""I know, right? What's up with that?”