“The law of the jungle which I learned at a young age, and have been trying to escape ever since, is that we what we must to survive.”
“This is the first age that's ever paid much attention to the future, which is a little ironic since we may not have one.”
“We make stupid mistakes when we're young; we do our best to make amends for them as we get older. We survive by learning; by learning we survive. Such is life. So be it.”
“Back to his various modes of escape and survival. Because you have to escape to survive, as you must survive to escape.”
“I can't possess anyone else. Trust me, I've been trying to get inside Lara Casnoff ever since we got here. Which...sounds really wrong.”
“If we are all going to have tragedies, if none of us can escape them, then surely we have to learn from them, we have to gain something. And we have to use what we have gained. Those of us who have fought tooth and nail to overcome tragedy are, after all, nothing else, proof that such things can be survived. So we can actually help others survive their tragedies too. As long as they’ll let us.”