“But Colin's only understanding of love was of limitless loyalty, boundless tolerance:”
“What's most important in a friendship? Tolerance and loyalty.”
“Oh, I love period dramas, especially period dramas starring Colin Firth. I'm like Bridget Jones if she were actually fat.""Oh... Colin Firth. He should only do period dramas. And period dramas should only star Colin Firth. (One-star upgrade for Colin Firth. Two stars for Colin Firth in a waistcoat.)"Keep typing his name, even his name is handsome.”
“Love's expressions are boundless,Expectations are ... nothing but Love!”
“Love is blind but boundless in vision.”
“What I was afraid of was my own grief, the weight of it, the ineluctable corrosive force of it, and the stark awareness I had of being, for the first time in my life, entirely alone, a Crusoe shipwrecked and stranded in the limitless wastes of a boundless and indifferent ocean.”