“Honestly, woman, you call yourself our mother?”
“Fred, you next," the plump woman said. "I'm not Fred, I'm George," said the boy. "Honestly, woman, you call yourself our mother? Can't you tell I'm George?" "Sorry, George, dear." "Only joking, I am Fred," said the boy and off he went.”
“Behind every sucessful boy there is a woman call his MOTHER and behind every unsuscessful boy there is a girl call his GIRLFRIEND".”
“If you are not honest to yourself, who else would.”
“No woman can call herself free until she can choose consciously whether she will or will not be a mother.”
“The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new." and so in you the child your mother lives on and through your family continues to live... so at this time look after yourself and your family as you would your mother for through you all she will truly never die.”