“I’m done, Duin.”“You haven’t eaten much.”“I’m done waiting.” Genny got up from her chair and moved into his lap. With one hand, she slid the bava fabric off of his shoulder.“Oh.”There was another hunger. With relentless lips and hands, they consumed each other. She didn’t just want, she demanded him. Genny removed her clothes and Duin wound the bava around them both, cocooning her against his bare skin as he held her in his lap.“I don’t know much about Glin anatomy,” she reminded him.“I do have an advantage. There’s a deluge of information on the Asternet about human mating.”“It’s called porn, Duin.”“And it’s very helpful. Though there are some things I don’t understand.”“I’ll teach you anything you want to know.”

JL Hilton

JL Hilton - “I’m done, Duin.”“You haven’t eaten...” 1

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