“I gave the wretched beast a look that said plainly I’ll deal with you later.He flicked his tail at me, cat-speak for Do I look like I’m bothered?”
“Just so you know, I speak English. You don’t have to macho-speak with shit like ‘you with me’ after you macho-speak with a bunch of bossing me around. I get you. I’m with you. Or if I’m not, I’ll tell you.”“Noted,” he muttered but sounded like he was smiling. I made the diplomatic decision not to look.”
“If it was going to kill me or carry me off, I thought it would have done so already. But it just sat there, looking at me. Its tail swooshed suddenly, and it felt like I was looking at an overgrown cat in reptile form.”
“She smiled again. "Do you like cat?" she said."Yes," said Richard. "I quite like cats."Anaesthesia looked relieved. "Thigh?" she asked, "or breast?”
“If you ask me to describe what I look like, I’ll simply say, “I look like my clone.”
“Do I look like I’m kidding?”“No. You look beautiful.”