“He even knew the reason why: because enough men had gone off to war saying the time for gardening was when the war was over; whereas there must be men to stay behind and keep gardening alive, or at least the idea of gardening; because once that cord was broken, the earth would grow hard and forget her children. That was why.”
“Bluebell had been saying that he knew the men hated us for raiding their crops and gardens, and Toadflax answered, 'That wasn't why they destroyed the warren. It was just because we were in their way. They killed us to suit themselves.”
“Dr. Klein like to say that gardens are for growing people, but we must not forget: People are for growing gardens.”
“Why must there be war?" "Oh Lavinia, what a woman's question that is! Because men are men.”
“When cultivating your garden, keep the soil healthy with encroachers. The most redolent flowers grow over graves.”
“Nobody can stay in the garden of Eden," Jacques said. And then: "I wonder why.”