“I see autism as having many different strands. All of these strands are beautiful. They are all the colours of the rainsbow intertwined intricately into the child. If you try and take away the autism by removing the strands you also take away parts of the child as they are attached to them. Thhey are what makes them who they are. However autism is only a part of them, not the whole. It does not define them.This is for my Tom.”
“Autism, is part of my child, it's not everything he is. My child is so much more than a diagnosis.”
“If you are accepting of the belief that life can be good even with autism, then they will think so, too. You are the most important person in your child's life, and you can make them believe that anything is possible.”
“If I could snap my fingers and be nonautistic, I would not. Autism is part of what I am.”
“Mentally Connie gathered her strands of thinking into thick handfuls, trying to braid them into a coherent whole.”
“Autism isn't your fault. Each child has the ability to grow. Those words saved me from a dark place.”