“So why are you called Horse?” “Cause I’m hung like one,” he replied, smirking.”
“Marie's drunk texts:Marie: Horse, muss yuMarie: Why dont anser?Marie: Horse like yur name. Horsey. I'd like to rid u horsey, LOL. You sleeping? Or busy with someone?Marie: I know yur there. I bet you got a new gurl alredy. Screw you.Marie: Screw you and your slut. I hate you. Take yur club and shove it up yur ass I wudn't be yoor old lady for ten milion dollrs.”
“He was probably selfish in the sack. Probably selfish and greedy and...unsophisticated. And hung like a horse.”
“We gallop through our lives like circus performers balancing on two speeding side-by-side horses--one foot is on the horse called "fate," the other on the horse called "free will." And the question you have to ask every day is--which horse is which? Which horse do I need to stop worrying about because it's not under my control, and which do I need to steer with concentrated effort?”
“I'm sick of this. Call me what you like, say I'm without honor, I don't care. I'm not getting on any more horses to whack you people with a stick.”