“It is a remarkable question- Do all the wonderful things happen when we are not aware of them?”
“The question is not whether or not change and challenge are going to happen. They are. The question is, when they do happen, how are we going to choose to look at them, contextualize them, and navigate them?”
“When something wonderful happens...it is to be cherished in the heart and in the mind. We must not be afraid of the wonderful things, nor must we let others laugh them away from us. Only thus do we learn how to hold our dreams.”
“Things do not happen, we must make them happen”
“Why can't fellows be allowed to do what they like when they like and as they like, instead of other fellows sitting on banks and watching them all the time and making remarks and poetry and things about them?”
“"For all we become aware of when we slowly wake up, you can't help but pause and wonder what is still left unseen.”