“You're manic-depressive and you're manic-depressive too and you, you're definitely manic-depressive, girl. And you over there in the corner, you're just plain fucking depressive.”
“thanks to mommy and match-box cars, thanks for dad and to the stars.”
“He's not here.""Not here like he just popped around the corner to the bodega for a six-pack of Diet Coke and a box of Krispy Kremes, or not here like...”
“Calvin: Dad where do babies come from?Dad: Well Calvin, you simply go to Sears, buy the kit and follow the assembly instructions.Calvin: I came from Sears?Dad: No you were a blue-light special at K-Mart - almost as good and a lot cheaper!”
“As to whether the depression will come back, it is every depressive's fear.”