“And she was blushing a lot herself, for absolutely no reason other than she'd found herself sitting next to Chad at the table.Their knees bumped. Their elbows collided. Marian whispered apologies each time,even for those that weren't her fault. He didn't seem to hear though, as he was too busy listening to every word out of Amanda's mouth. She stepped on his foot deliberately. Hard. He even missed that.Dessert was being served when Chad said in an aside to her, "If I didn't already know how lacking in coordination you are,I'd think I was under attack.Now what the hell are you blushing for? I was only teasing.”

Johanna Lindsey

Johanna Lindsey - “And she was blushing a lot herself...” 1

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“What is Chad short for?" she found herself asking out of pure nervousness."Short for?""It's a nickname,isn't it?""No,darlin',it doesn't get any longer."She heard the humor in his tone,which annoyed her.It had been a natural mistake. The name didn't usually stand on its own.And she should take him to task over that "darlin'," except she'd heard for herself how common the use of that word was out here,no different than the old-timers calling her "missy," or the train attendant calling her "ma'am." It meant nothing. There wasn't a speck of endearment in it."Thank you for clearing that up for me," she said a bit stiffly."My pleasure."She had a feeling he would have tipped his hat if he'd been wearing it just then rather than holding it in his hand. She'd like to tip his rocker over. He could be so damn irritating-no,it probably wasn't even him, it was her reaction to him,her nervousness, her-wanting him when she knew she couldn't have him.”

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