“Come home with me tonight,Gypsy," he said huskily. "You won't regret it.""You have a Gajo priest in residence,then,to give his blessing?"His hand dropped from her. Frustration filled his eyes. "You are saying you would me?""I am saying I want you,too,Lord Englishman, but without the prist's words, I can't have you.It does not get more simple than that.""Simple?" he all but snorted. "You must know that is impossible,that people from my social stature only marry within their class.""Yes,I know very well how nobles are goverened by the opinions of their peers, which does not leave them free to do as they please. A shame you aren't a common man, Lord Englishman. They have more freedom than you.""And how free are you,to do as you want?" he shot back in a frustrated tone. "Or did you not just tell me that you want me?""I can't deny that.Yet I am restricted by my own morals, rather than the opinions of others. If you must know,my own people would be scandalized if I were to marry you.Ironically, you would not be an acceptable mate for me, for you are not one of us. Would I let that influence me? No.Only one's heart should matter in these things.Yet mine will not let me go to a man who will not be mine to keep.I do not hold myself that cheaply.”

Johanna Lindsey

Johanna Lindsey - “Come home with me tonight,Gypsy," he...” 1

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