“Just as the light of the sun, while it invigorates a living and animated body, produces effluvia in a carcass; so it is certain that the sacraments where the Spirit of faith is not present, breathes mortiferous rather than vital odour.”
“Just as the soul animates the body, so, in a way, meaning breathes life into a word.”
“...to think biblically rather than conventionally, to be part of a body where radical living is becoming the norm.”
“I feel that the Photograph creates my body or mortifies it, according to its caprice (apology of this mortiferous power: certain Communards paid with their lives for their willingness or even their eagerness to pose on the barricades: defeated, they were recognized by Thiers's police and shot, almost every one).”
“As a draft-animal is yoked in a wagon, even so the spirit is yoked in this body”
“...there is no brew so deadly that it cannot at certain moments become precious and invigorating by giving us just the stimulus that was necessary, the warmth that we cannot generate ourselves.”