“Please make me empty, if I'm empty then I can receive, if I can receive it means it comes from somewhere outside of me, if it comes from outside of me I'm not alone! I cannot bear this loneliness. Above all it is loneliness.”
“The trouble with taking away the certainty of evil was that its vacuum was filled by all kinds of more nebulous threats, rivalries, and feuds. It became increasingly difficult to judge where the threat was coming from.”
“If I have to chain you to a fucking wall to protect you from your own stupidity, I will!Wrists. Beam. Chained already Barrons. Come up with a new threat.”
“It was, for the time being, an empty threat, and he must have sensed it also, for he laughed easily and with contempt. “You will do what your masters tell you to do, doctor. As do we all.”
“They both smiled at the picture of Albert in his chinos and button-down shirt exhorting kids from atop a bike.”