“If there is a special Hell for writers it would be in the forced contemplation of their own works, with all the misconceptions, the omissions, the failures that any finished work of art implies.”
“If there is a special Hades for writers is would be in the forced contemplation of their own works.”
“Becoming a successful professional writer implies that one's own mind is entertaining enough to keep the work interesting. ”
“A work of art is never finished. It is merely abandoned.”
“The life of a writer is absolute hell compared to the life of a businessman. The writer has to force himself to work He has to make his own hours and if he doesn't go to his desk at all there is nobody to scold him...A person is a fool to become a writer. His only compensation is absolute freedom. He has no master except his own soul, and that, I am sure, is why he does it.”
“Art educates. That's why writers must know life. . .If the writer knows life, his work is often progressive, even though his own consciousness may lag behind.”