“Me?" he said in some surprise. "I won't be dancing! It's the bridal dance. The bride and groom dance alone!"For one circuit of the room," she told him. "After which they are joined by the best man and first bridesmaid, then by the groomsman and the second bridesmaid."Will reacted as he had been stung. He leaned over to speak across Jenny on his left, to Gilan.Gil! Did you know we have to dance?" he asked. Gilan nodded enthusiastically.Oh yes indeed. Jenny and I have been practicing for the past three days, haven't we, Jen?"Jenny looked up at him adoringly and nodded. Jenny was in love. Gilan was tall, dashing, good-looking, charming and very ammusing. Plus he was cloaked in the mystery and romance tat came with being a Ranger. Jenny had only ever known one ranger and that had been grim-faced, gray-bearded Halt.”

John Flanagan

John Flanagan - “Me?" he said in some surprise. "I won't...” 1

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