“Lost, I am Lost! My fates have doomed my death.The more I strive, I love; the more I love,The less I hope. I see my ruin, certain.What judgement or endeavors could applyTo my incurable and restless woundsI throughly have examined, but in vain.Oh, that it were not in religion sinTo make our love a god and worship it!I have even wearied heaven with prayers, dried upThe spring of my continual tears, even starvedMy veins with daily fasts; what wit or artCould counsel, I have practiced. But, alas,I find all these but dreams and old men's talesTo fright unsteady youth; I'm still the same.Or I must speak or burst. Tis not, I know,My lust, but tis my fate that leads me on.Keep fear and low fainthearted shame with slaves!I'll tell her that I love her, through my heartWere rated at the price of that attempt.”

John Ford

John Ford - “Lost, I am Lost! My fates have doomed my...” 1

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