“...what is sacred is the other person -we forget that sometimes - and fail to honor who they are ...”
“We forget that sometimes there is something greater than our pain. That's the pain of the person who loves us, who couldn't protect us from that pain.”
“How soon human beings forget what a privilege it is to live in freedom. A privilege, not an honor. An honor would mean we deserved it. We do not.”
“And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor.”
“The point is that most of what we currently hold sacred is not sacred for any reason other than that it was thought sacred yesterday.”
“So often the woman forgets her own greatness and she goes a little bat sh-- crazy sometimes. So its up to the other half to love that person back into the person we know them to be.”