“And I wanted to know whether it is possible to live a hopeful life in a world riddled with ambiguity, whether we can find a way to go on even when we don't get answers to questions that haunt us”
“I don't like answering private questions. The answers are often ambiguous and can be interpreted in different ways. Even when the other person is close to you.”
“The Gods throw the dice,and they don't ask whether we want to be in the game or not.They don't care if when you go,you leave behind a lover,a home, a career or a dream.The Gods don't care whether you have it all,whether your every desire can be met through hardwork and persistence.The Gods don't want to know about your plans and hopes.Somewhere they're throwing the dice and you get chosen.From then on,winning and losing is only a question of luck.”
“When we lose people we love, we should never disturb their souls, whether living or dead. Instead, we should find consolation in an object that reminds you of them, something...I don't know...even an earring”
“Whether life finds us guilty or not guilty, we ourselves know we are not innocent.”
“Life has a funny way of giving us answers when we haven't even asked the questions.”