“We look back to the most important moment in our history, and that becomes the dividing line between what we were and what we are now.”
“Identity is the history that has gone into bone and blood and reshaped the flesh. Identity is not what we were but what we have become what we are at this moment.”
“Recognizing and confronting our history is important. Transcending our history is essential. We are not limited by what we have done, or what we have left undone. We are limited only by what we are willing to do.”
“There comes a time in our lives when what we know becomes less important than what we love. And that what we love, when all is said and done, might be the most important of all things.”
“The important thing is this: to be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become.”
“We become so caught up in the busyness of our lives. Were we to step back, however, and take a good look at what we’re doing, we may find that we have immersed ourselves in the ‘thick of thin things.’ In other words, too often we spend most of our time taking care of the things which do not really matter much at all in the grand scheme of things, neglecting those more important causes.”