“Your party kicked so much ass!Even though you suck so much! It's like, instead of blood, your heart pumps liquid suck! But thanks for the beer!”
“Hey, it's not like we were together for a hundred years or anything." He tapped his fingernail against his teeth and sucked in a breath. "No, wait.""If you don't knock it off I'm going to kick your ass so hard you'll fart everything you say.”
“Sucks to your ass-mar!”
“Guy: Ash is going to kick your ass, Daemon.Daemon: Nah, she likes my ass too much for that.”
“Drugs suck more than anything else I have ever liked so much.”
“ "Crazy," he muttered softly, "how much I need you."Crazy, how something like that can feel like a kick in the chest, can hurt that much, can suck all the air right out of your body for a moment. And at the same time, settle over you, around you, so soft and warm and sweet, that you think nothing can ever be as good as this one moment.Crazy.That I can love you.This much.”