“There, in the tin factory, in the first moment of the atomic age, a human being was crushed by books.”
“As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world - that is the myth of the atomic age - as in being able to remake ourselves.”
“Human beings would split the atom and invent television, nylon, and instant coffee before they could figure out the age of their own planet.”
“Eden is a factory and human was a reject.We are being recalled in order to be fixed.”
“If atoms are not alive and humans are made up of atoms, then humans are not alive.”
“A disciple: I am worried about human suffering all over the world. What is the solution?Spiritual leader: The solution to our miseries lie within central atom of our being, ‘I’. Once this central atom transcends to ‘WE’, human sufferings can be resolved.”