“A leader is one who sees more than others see, who sees farther than others see, and who sees before others do." (Leroy Eims)”
“Considering the notion that the spiritual battlefield is infinitely greater than the physical, perhaps God is more willing to bless with a sort of divine ecstasy those who see the devil as the enemy rather than those who see other people as the enemies.”
“Am I mad, to see what others do not see, or are they mad who are responsible for all that I am seeing?”
“A leader must lead. Where others see obstacles, he must see opportunities. When others see problems, he must see possibilities ... Civilization is not built on a negation but on an affirmation- an affirmation of the bright and promising possibilities that the future holds for those who are enterprising enough to pursue them.”
“After all, people judge one another according to their own feelings. It is only the miser who sees other enticed by money, the lustful who see others obsessed by desire.”
“He who observes the infinite horizons will see the dangers before others.”