“There must be a constant and increasing appreciation that though sin still remains it does not have the mastery. There is a total difference between surviving sin and reigning sin, the regenerate in conflict with sin and the unregenerate complacent to sin. It is one thing for sin to live in us: it is another for us to live in sin.”
“To commit the least possible sin is the law for man. To live without sin is the dream of an angel. Everything terrestrial is subject to sin. Sin is a gravitation.”
“To survive the Borderlands you must live sin fronteras be a crossroads.”
“Praying and sinning will never live together in the same heart. Prayer will consume sin, or sin will choke prayer.”
“In sinning, each man sins against all, and each man is at least partly guilty for another's sin. There is no isolated sin.”
“We (believers) still have the presence of sin, nay, the stirrings and workings of corruption. These make us to have many a sad heart and a wet eye. Yet Christ has thus far freed us from sin; it shall not have dominion. There may be the turbulence, but not the prevalence of sin...(Sin) may get into the throne of the heart and play the tyrant in this or that particular act of sin, but it shall never more be as a king there.”