“Art thou lonely, O my brother?Share thy little with another!Stretch a hand to one unfriended,And the loneliness is ended.”
“Bloody thou art, bloody will be thy end;Shame serves thy life and doth thy death attend.”
“O my God, since thou art with me, and i must now, in obedience to thy commands, apply my mind to these outward things, i beseech thee to grant me the grace to continue in thy presence; and to this end do thou prosper me with thy assistance, receive all my works, and possess all my affections." (Bro. Lawrence implored His grace and offered to Him all his actions).”
“Fear not, Cesario, take thy fortunes up. Be that thou know'st thou art and then thou art as great as that thou fear'st.”
“Gaveston:I can no longer keepe me from my lord.Edward:What Gaveston, welcome: kis not my hand,Embrace me Gaveston as I do thee:Why shouldst thou kneele, knowest thou not who I am?Thy friend, thy selfe, another Gaveston.Not Hilas was more mourned of Hercules,Then thou hast beene of me since thy exile.”
“Thou hast spread Thy arms to embrace far too many,Flinging Thy hands out till they reach the ends of the crossbeam.”