“Carol Druze Was A Stone Killer.”
“The door opened."We're here," said Mrs. Rogers.Aunt Myra came in."Now!" said Amelia Bedelia."Greetings, greetings, greetings,"said the three children."What's that about?" said Mrs. Rogers."You said to greet Aunt Myra with Carols," said Amelia Bedelia."Here's Carol Lee, Carol Green, and Carol Lake.""What lovely Carols," said Aunt Myra."Thank you.”
“The killer's name was Michael Stone and he was a known psychopath. He had previous convictions. But the law stated that only patients whose mental disorders were considered treatable could be detained beyond their prison sentences. Psychopaths were considered untreatable and so Michael Stone had to be free.”
“I’m the sexiest of them all! - Carol”
“There was a time when Stone would have rated a platoon of crackerjack killers coming for him by land, sea and air. Those days apparently were over. A quartet of suits in a Cadillac on steroids was enough.”
“Saddle Club Forever!" Stevie, Carole, and Lisa said.”