“I failed angst in high school. They let me graduate anyway.”
“I don't care if you're so poor you live in a cardboard box, if you fail to graduate high school, or if thousands of miles try to separate us. I'll always love you just as much as i do now.”
“I went to a homosexual high school. I graduated top in my class. I couldn't imagine being on the bottom.”
“Last year, millions of students didn’t graduate from high school. They didn’t drop out, they were simply in elementary and middle schools.”
“At my ten-year high school reunion, I was voted best looking. Of course, there were two people in my high school, and while I wasn’t the best looking, my brother was two years younger and therefore not in my graduating class.”
“Throw in the intensity of emotions that come with that bittersweet summer sandwiched between high school graduation and the rest of your life...”