“with all prayer (Eph. 6:18)" All sorts of prayer- public, private, mental, vocal. Do not be diligent in one kind of prayer and negligent in others... let us use all.”
“Prayer in private results in boldness in public.”
“Let all beings in all the worlds be happy. Include this universal prayer in your prayers every day. This is my birthday message to you.”
“. . . the number of prayers we say may contribute to our happiness, but the number of prayers we answer may be of greater importance. Let us open our eyes and see the heavy hearts, notice the loneliness and despair; let us feel the silent prayers of others around us; and let us be an instrument in the hands of the Lord to answer those prayers.”
“We do not want to be beginners [at prayer]. but let us be convinced of the fact that we will never be anything but beginners, all our life!”
“Public prayers of are of little value unless they are founded on or followed up by private praying.”