“Evolution is necessary for ones progress…. resisting it could make one sore in mind and spirit and then unable to enjoy the journey.”
“Fear is necessary for evolution. The fear that one could be destroyed at any moment.”
“The mind is a wonderful thing. You start off on one journey but it decides to take you somewhere completely different. The path of least resistance is the way to go. Don't fight it – enjoy the ride.”
“In choosing a companion, it is necessary to study the disposition, the inheritance, and training of the one with whom you are contemplating making life’s journey.”
“Sunrise is a necessary concomitant of long railway journeys, like hard-boiled eggs, illustrated papers, packs of cards, rivers upon which boats strain but make no progress.”
“The course led them to the moment when, in answer to the highest of one's values, one's spirit makes one's body become the tribute, recasting it--as proof, as sanction, as reward--into a single sensation of such intensity of joy that no other sanction of one's existence is necessary.”