“No, we're not prisoners of flesh, I think, bound in our skins, and only waiting for the final judgment that will send us into fire or light. We're fucking prisoners of conscience, prisoners of fear and shame. We're fucking prisoners of sorrow, and it's time for our release.”
“I'd like to think that we're not just sacks of biological goo careening through a random universe.”
“Maybe we're just supposed to try our best, whatever that is," he [Chord] said, "and hope whatever happens is meant to happen.”
“Maybe [the man who talks to himself] is normal and we're the crazy ones. Maybe everyone should talk to themselves. Maybe we're all just afraid of what we would say.”
“Just as our parents quieted us when we were noisy by putting us in front of the television set, maybe we're now learning to quiet our own adult noise with Prozac. ”