“A man could shoot thirty ducks if it pleased him, and then shoot thirty more the next day, and it was perfectly legal. His hunting partner was likely to be the county sheriff.”
“We are protecting civilians. We are unarmed. We are no threat to you. Please do not shoot.”
“Diese Wohnung war meine Festung, meine Höhle, mein Rückzugsort, mein Heiligtum – die Kathedrale meiner Wünsche, Träume, Sehnsüchte und meines vergessenen Abwaschs.”
“But not all Jews were victims- look at Chairman Rumkowski, who sat safe with his new wife in his cushy home making lists, with the blood of my family on his hands. And not all Germans were murderers. Look at Herr Fassbinder, who had saved so many children on the night that children were taken away.”
“Mein rastloses Gehirn dachte sich in jeder Nacht neue Qualen und Todesarten für mich aus - wieso eigentlich? Warum ist man nicht Herr im eigenen Hirn, findet nicht mal im Schlaf seine Ruhe? Wieso wird man unausgesetzt von absurden Ängsten gepeinigt, wenn die Wirklichkeit doch meist harmlos und friedfertig ist?”