“Compassion is a muscle that gets stronger with use, and the regular exercise of choosing kindness over cruelty would change us.”
“Compassion is a muscle that gets stronger with use.”
“I’m utterly convinced that the key to lifelong success is the regular exercise of a single emotional muscle: gratitude.”
“Cruelty is not taught. It is as certain as a compass point. One can be instructed in the specifics of cruelty, like one can be taught to use a spoon, a knife, a fork, but even without these skills a man will still eat. The need is with us.”
“They understood freewill wasn’t about physically resisting. Physical resistance isn’t always possible … it is mentally, emotionally, and spiritually withstanding the pressure to forget humanity’s potential for kindness over cruelty. Choosing to accept consequences while still holding your head high, vulnerable and naked … you are stronger for the pain.”
“Grief, of course, is not something that operates according to a specific time frame, and it seems cold to suggest otherwise. Yet when we do not grasp that God is present in pain, we eventually insist on victory or, worse, blame the sufferer for not "getting over it" fast enough. This is more than a failure to extend compassion; it's an exercise in cruelty.”