“Sometimes God allows what he hates to accomplish what he loves.”
“Jason's father, Reg, always said "Love what God loves and hate what God hates," but more often than not I had the impression that he really meant "Love what Reg loves and hate what Reg hates.”
“Then, having accomplished what he wanted to do, Eros decided to stop the futile battle. He recalled Phobos & Deimos from Mars & sent him Anteros & Himeros instead.And immediately, the God of Hate turned into the God of Passion.”
“He wastes his time over his writing, trying to accomplish what geniuses and rare men with college educations sometimes accomplish.”
“[He] believed both love and hate to be irrelevant. To him, they were "impediments of the human condition," and, in his words again, "imagine what could be accomplished if the human race would only shed its humanity.”