“I know beginnings, I know endings too,and life-in-death, and something elseI'd rather not recall just now.”
“I don't know the meaning of life. I don't know why we are here. I think life is full of anxieties and fears and tears. It has a lot of grief in it, and it can be very grim. And I do not want to be the one who tries to tell somebody else what life is all about. To me it's a complete mystery.”
“I don't know where the sun beams endand the starlight(start of our lives) begin(s), it's all a mysteryAnd I don't know how a man decides what's right for his own life, it's all a mystery.”
“I don't know a damn thing. I don't know what it's about. The longer I live, the more mysterious life is.”
“I am a student of life, and don't want to miss any experience. There's poetry in this sort of thing, you know--or perhaps you don't know, but it's all the same.”