“Each of us, has inside of us, a basic decency and goodness. If we listen to it and act on it, we can give a great deal of what it is the world needs most. It's not complicated but it takes courage. It takes courage to listen to our own goodness and act on it.”
“We must truly listen to each other, respecting our essential brotherhood and the courage of those who try to speak, however they may differ from us in professional standing or religious belief or moral vision. We must speak and listen patiently, with good humor, with real expectation, and our dialogue can serve both truth and charity.”
“The great courageous act that we must all do, is to have the courage to step out of our history and past so that we can live our dreams.”
“Each of us has an inner dream that we can unfold if we will just have the courage to admit what it is. And the faith to trust our own admission. The admitting is often very difficult.”
“Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.”
“The human heart is the first home of democracy. It is where we embrace our questions. Can we be equitable? Can we be generous? Can we listen with our whole beings, not just our minds, and offer our attention rather than our opinions? And do we have enough resolve in our hearts to act courageously, relentlessly, without giving up--ever--trusting our fellow citizens to join with us in our determined pursuit of a living democracy?”