“Anxiety is always a gap between the way things are and the way we think they ought to be. Anxiety is something that stretches between the real and unreal. Our human desire is to avoid what's real and instead to be with our ideas about the world: "I'm terrible." "You're terrible." "You're wonderful." The idea is separated from reality and anxiety is the gap between the idea and the reality that things are just as they are.When we cease to believe in the object that we've created -- which is off to one side of reality, so to speak -- things snap back to the center. That's what being centered means. The anxiety then fades out.”
“An idea is always a generalization, and generalization is a property of thinking. To generalize means to think”
“Defeat does not mean losing. Rather, a pause, a moment to re-think, re-plan, tore-structure to gain”
“In recent times, more and more human thinking has come to assume that the idea of a universal natural law and the idea of 'God' are pointing to one and the same reality.”
“There was once a young man who wished to gain his Heart’s Desire.”